Momok Ghost

Momok Ghost is a collection of true ghost stories.

Please note that this blog does not prove the existence of ghosts or spirits. The majority of the tales here have been compiled from the experiences of friends, family, and acquaintances. Although some names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved, the locations and details are given as accurately as possible to preserve the credibility of Momok Ghost.

Ghost Story from SMK St. Columba, Miri

There are instances of unusual happenings in a classroom in one of the SMK St. Columba classroom blocks (Block C, Classroom 4E4), where the lights and the fans would switch on without anyone inside the classroom and when the block was completely locked.

Such an "unusual case" also happened when Wong was in a Prefect camp there.

Wong was doing his duty rounds taking care of the Prefect Juniors in the opposite block, when he saw his friend in that very classroom. However, when Wong called his friend's name, "his friend" didn't answer..

Wong then walked further down, and he saw the same friend in the School Hall..

"But here's the catch: the Hall is more than 200 meters from that very classroom, and it would have taken more than 3 minutes to reach the School Hall...
And it was impossible for him to have ran towards the Hall when the block was fully locked up.

True story..."


Anonymous said...

woh stco more scary than stjo ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

im the student of tat class 4e4 in 2011
but so far i didnt seen any unusual things happen at there..but i've heard ghost story bout that class..

Anonymous said...

I must admit there have been terrible histories covered on that block. However, it must not be said.

Anonymous said...

last year, they called that haunted class 4E4. This year the class is 4E5 due to the reallocation of class 4E1 to psv room.

Anonymous said...

Hahah, I'd agree... Many things happens in this classroom>.<

Anonymous said...

This is true. The lights and fans switch on by itself. It happens always at my primary school but it doesnt bring any harm.

Anonymous said...

stco also got some stories about a young girl that suicide by hanging at the in front of the toilet !Since then no one dare to go toilet at early morning ,because got some people saw young girl wearing white clothes pass by their back!im a ex stco student 10'.

Anonymous said...

SHIT!my sister goes to school there!my school is oppositte smk.stco

Anonymous said...

people say sk.stcolumba is haunted to.because of the japenese occupation

Anonymous said...

i heard a malay or chinese girl hang herself at that class because they said either she was stressed out bcos of studies or she was pregnant.

Anonymous said...

4e4 that my class 2013

cy said...

4E4 my class 2000.. St co ia haunted bcoz of the japanese occupation n maybe also bcoz of the kubur near by..

Anonymous said...

The grave site have nothing to do with that kind of spirit. It can possibly anyone who trying break in the class for easy sleepover, maybe homeless guy or whatsoever. Why would fear the spirit that does not cause you to die or hurt you? If u are Christian, why not ward it off using holy water and pray that God will purge the evil in that place? Duhh

Anonymous said...

A Life Portal Or An Seals.. I love that .. Interesting...

Anonymous said...

I was a student of that class at that year. We always, 'always' have an extra student when we counted attendance. It was always with us until we graduated. 'It' said goodbye with a the school bomb bell.