Momok Ghost

Momok Ghost is a collection of true ghost stories.

Please note that this blog does not prove the existence of ghosts or spirits. The majority of the tales here have been compiled from the experiences of friends, family, and acquaintances. Although some names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved, the locations and details are given as accurately as possible to preserve the credibility of Momok Ghost.

James's Previous Rented House

Once, long ago, Jade stayed at James's rented house in Desa Senadin while James and his housemates had gone back to their own houses (local Mirians). The semester was over, and Jade had nowhere to stay for a few days.

One night, the bulb in the bathroom was blown, so Jade lit candles to bathe.
Even though she stayed alone in the house, she locked the bathroom door. Halfway through her shower, she felt a slight breeze.

She looked around and the bathroom door was open...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"benda" tu nak ngintip le tu XD