Momok Ghost

Momok Ghost is a collection of true ghost stories.

Please note that this blog does not prove the existence of ghosts or spirits. The majority of the tales here have been compiled from the experiences of friends, family, and acquaintances. Although some names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved, the locations and details are given as accurately as possible to preserve the credibility of Momok Ghost.


Anaesthesia lived with her two male housemates in a small terrace house in Desa Senadin. She had the back room, nearest to the garden.

Sometimes when she slept, she was pressed. Bruises appeared on her body. Both her housemates had caught glimpses of a female sitting in her room. Sometimes there is knocking on her bedroom window, right behind her bed. And Anaesthesia hears her crying...

Anaesthesia moved out of that house and went to live with Cup and Jade. That was after the "slippers" incident at Cup and Jade's house.

Jade was never bothered again after that, she had been given a bottle of holy water and she hung a silver cross on her bed.
But sometimes, sometimes Cup and Anaesthesia had mysterious bruises when they woke. Once Anaesthesia had bruises shaped like fingerprints griping her arm...

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