Momok Ghost

Momok Ghost is a collection of true ghost stories.

Please note that this blog does not prove the existence of ghosts or spirits. The majority of the tales here have been compiled from the experiences of friends, family, and acquaintances. Although some names have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved, the locations and details are given as accurately as possible to preserve the credibility of Momok Ghost.

The Old Security Guard at the Bintulu General Hospital

There's this doctor in Kuala Lumpur, he has his own private clinic at Mines. However, many years ago, when he was still a young (new) doctor, he was stationed in Bintulu.
He was based in the Bintulu General Hospital.

He used to stay late shifts often, being young and inexperienced. Graveyard shifts.

One late night, he was chatting with an old security guard.

Doctor: "Hello, you dari mane?" (Hello, where are you from?)

Guard: "Local Bintulu.."

Doctor: "Oh, bawa bekal makan ke?" (Oh, did you pack food to eat?)

Guard: "Tak. Makan sudah.." (No. I already ate..)

The doctor points at a container.
Doctor: "Habis, s'tiap hari nampak kamu bawa bekal..?" (But every day I see you carrying this food container..?)

Guard: "Oh.. Itu.. Itu kawan saya.." (Oh.. That.. That's my friend..)

Doctor: "Kawan kamu?" (Your friend?)

Guard: "Ya.. Dulu dulu masa muda. S'orang kawan baik saya mati kenak acciden.. Saya tak bole buat apa-apa.. Masa itu.. Saya tanya apa dia mau.." (Yes.. Last time when I was young. A good friend of mine died in an accident.. I couldn't do anything.. That time.. I asked him what he wanted..)

Doctor: "Ya..?" (Yes..?)

Guard: "Dia jawab, dia mau dengan saya.. Jadi, saya ambil limau kasih lukak dia.. Simpan dia punya roh.." (He said, he wanted to be with me.. So, I took a lime to his wounds.. Kept his soul..)

Doctor: "... Ah?"

Guard: "Ya.. Doktor mau dengar? Tiap malam saya bole cakap dengan kawan.. Dalam bekas ini dia.." (Yes.. Doctor, do you want to hear it? Every night I can speak to my friend.. In this container he's kept..)

The guard made a move to open the container.

But the doctor said it was fine, he need not open it.
Spooked, the young doctor hurriedly made his excuses and left.

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